Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why I Loved Runt the Brave

A short in-class book review on Runt The Brave By Daniel Shwabauer. that I wrote Yesterday.

Runt the Brave by Daniel Shwabauer is a wonderful book full of suspense, courage, mystery, and bravery. I love the way that Mr. S wrote an allegorical book, that did not feel in the least allegorical, Nor in anyway preachy. The story is told as story, nothing more, nothing less. He showed the bravery of a mouse, a most humble of beasts. He told Runt’s story. He did not push themes on you, nor did he preach, it was just a mouse’s story.
 The feel of the book is very in depth, as a reader you really feel like you are part of the story, not only the story of Runt, but a much bigger story, the story of life.  You never doubt as you read that the story may be fiction. You take for granted that it is true. Even if Runt is perhaps fictitious, the story at its heart is real.
You not only see courage in Runt, but in the mentor character of LaRish, in how LaRish Dies in a last fight against the biggest meanest rat of the country.   Every good guy shows his courage. Even if you only meet them once, like the guards who fall during the rat invasion, you feel like you know them. It is this feeling of intimacy with the characters that helps make it such a great story.
Mr. S Has a wonderful authors voice, that tells the facts as they are, that gets into Runt’s head without feeling  unnatural, it is down to earth, but with a hint of epicness to it.
Mr. S’s grasp of story is shown in this epic battle of good versus evil.  It may be written for children. But the truths that seep through the story are age old. 

If you want to buy the book go Here

copyright Kevin Barkman 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Interesting Blog Post

Here is an interesting Post On a blog called 'The Sharpened Pen"   the post is:   A Protest to Poetry
anyway I found it  interesting.

Monday, October 17, 2011

New Dog

Those of you who read my mothers blog know that we got a new puppy. here is a picture of him. he is growing like crazy. and will jump off almost anything. and tries to jump up everything. he is also incredibly strong. and he is only seven weeks old!

on a completely different note,  Falling Up's new album is awesome. it is called "Your Sparkling Death Cometh"  I dont know if you keep up with them. but this album was self produced, and sponsored by fans. Jesse Ribordy is still the song writer- lead singer i think, but dont quote me on that :) . "Your Sparkling Death Come" is still rock, but on the very soft side. here is a link to their web site Falling Up . You can listen to the new album there.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


            Death scares everyone. We hush the children crying; scare them into obedience with the word.  If anyone says it too loud, we stiffen, and try in our politest words to shush him.  We don’t understand it, like electricity, but we use it anyway. We use it to punish people, to take revenge, as a curse, and even to act tough. Like a group of teenagers who dare each other to touch the electric fence, we play, and tempt death. We try Jumping over the Grand Canyon, daring the seas during the storm. We try even to fly. We succeeded at flying, and those in the little boat came back alive, and death scorned to take those who would try a silly stunt like jumping the Grand Canyon.  People say we have won, in part, because we survive. But every day we lose more ground.  We continue doing what we have done every day. But someday death will overtake us.
            We fear death like we fear fire. You can play with it a little, but don’t let it get out of hand, it could hurt someone.  We know some things are not wise, and shy away from them.  We fear death, but not enough.  The fear of death has not changed everyone.
            You may question me here, saying that the fear of death runs the world. I should clarify. Everyone should fear death enough that it changed the way they live. For death is something to fear. It is the unknown, a place to go, and to never return.  Somehow all of us know that how we live affects the way we die.  People all over the world believe in after life.  Buddhists   believe you come back into this world in a different form depending on how you lived.  Some American natives believe that after death there is a huge canyon to cross. And depending on how strong you were on earth, you may or may not cross.  Why have people done this? Because we want hope after death.
            Now days we believe that there is nothing after death. We think that what we see is all there is. This undermines everything that has held people together before. If there is nothing after death there cannot be a God. Or if there is, it really does not matter, because there is no punishment for wrong doings. With no punishment, and no God, we are left with no right and wrong. This is simply because we as humans are the highest law that exists, or at least that matters. If we are the only law, then right and wrong are only what we choose them too be. If I choose that murder is a good thing today, so be it. This very greatly destroys us. There is nothing then, except the government that keeps people from murdering. And if the government and the justice system take on this belief, then there is no hope for humans. But so far in history, there have always been a right and wrong. Even in the most horrid cultures, there have been some things that are just wrong.  And man has felt guilty for his wrong. Why else would we have to come up with ideas about there being no God? Even the fact that we think that there might be a right and a wrong proves that there is. Why would someone randomly come up with the idea? And why would everyone in the world think about it? Even if they think it does not exist, they are thinking about it.
            People are scared of death, but it does not change the way they live. They never take a hint that someday, somewhere they are to be judged. And if they are not going to be judged, then there really is no point in life, and no reason to be scared of death, for what is life without right and wrong, Without meaning, Without death?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Back home again.

sorry all for not posting, i have been rather busy. but for your information. we are heading back home in a few days.
i am super busy packing. so i am off again. but i shall post when we arrive. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Done With School

School. One of those things that must be done, and is often taken lightly by those who must go through with it. A awesome little kid once said that after twelve years of school you still don't know anything, and at that point you are supposed to figure out what you want to do with your life and go to school for it. i think that covers it pretty well. i have finally finished tenth grade, so i almost get to figure out what to go to school for. ha ha. getting closer anyhow.

 i am super exited to finally get to do all the work my mom has been wanting me to do but i haven't had time for....i mean  this is exiting!

Have a good day.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Blur of Life

I am sitting now in front of my computer in an odd mood. A fairy tale mood I think some would call it, or artful, or perhaps just contemplative. A mood where it feels right to put together some poetry, and yet one where it is impossible to write an single poem because you are too overwhelmed with the emotion, or the lack of them. A mood where the sun shines brighter, and the grass looks a little greener, and sorrow a little more bitter. Gray is an illusion,  and in between does  not exist. A black and white moment, filled with color. Paradox maybe, but wonderful. God seems a little nearer though He never left, and heaven a tiny more real though I never doubted it. Life is a blur of color, with black and white rules.  yes it is one those moods I am in. Though  the description is lacking.
But where is this leading you are most likely wondering. and with good reason. i doubt you like to sit and read meandering blog posts. I am going somewhere, just be patient.
Well yesterday my mood was a  little less lovely. it was one of those grumpy-the-world-is-going-to-end-today kind of moods. I got over it thankfully.
and the day before i was kinda sad.
The day before i was one of those never dieing optimists.
I watch a movie, and it makes me laugh, read a book that makes me cry.  listen to music that makes me tremble.
Life changes, my moods change. I am ever so human. and I believe we are all to a certain extent. It is what makes waves in lifes ocean. this up and down of emotion. 
Emotion does not show truth. for some days I feel that God is closer, and other days not, but it changes nothing. God is always near.
this just  proves how little one should trust emotion. Moods. So then, what things are truly beautiful? wonderful? make us go 'wow'? if it just leads to another emotion is it worthless?
I believe so. because even the unsaved go 'wow' when they see the Rockie Mountains. But those things can also lead to to a great awe of God. that I think it good. but then you ask, is awe of God simply another emotion? I have been asking the same question, and have not come up with an answer. Perhaps we were made to feel the  emotion of awe towards God? I know not. but I do believe that emotions, for their own sake are worth very little.
But maybe, just maybe God gave us emotions to color life, to show what we feel. Or maybe they are just reaction to life and nothing else.
What are emotions, and where do they lead? why did God give them to us? is it all a crazy hoax? or do they give a better understanding of God? Or do they just deceive us? comment, and tell me what you think!
All this talking, and you never did get an answer. but I did ask the questions.  so comment away. I would love to hear!

Well I am off again to continue my search. fare thee well all. do not get too caught up in the emotions of the moment to forget what we are doing on earth!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Where to Go?

So I will admit, I have been less than generous with my writing lately. I post pictures and leave. But don't feel bad, even my journal has been empty for the past couple months. I guess I have been through a lot, and learned a lot, and needed time to process. I still feel like I have not properly processed everything, but I figure it is time to post anyhow.Even very shortly as to what I am thinking.
Though what to say? But that profound things are simple, sometimes forgotten things. Truth is simple yet unfathomable. We cannot understand God, but He is truth, which is simple, yet God, who is everything,  is not so simple. So everything I learn about God, is both simple, and yet I can not understand it.
 In all this thinking, and reading of the Bible. I have learned much, but yet little can be said about it. For what can be said about a God who created the heavens and the earth? but that He is awesome and all powerful?
so much more, he is loving, just, holy, the beginning of wisdom, never ending, and the list goes on. But as a mere human what can I say? but 'holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty' ? and yet it seems that I, and we, are called to say more To what end? The glory of God.  As to what I am to say, that it seems is a life journey. One that is hard, but beautiful.
In this life I am called to follow God to whatever end He has for me. To glorify Him in whatever I do.  That is the bottom line. The rest will flow from that, or so I pray.  It all sounds so simple. and yet it will take my whole life to figure it out.

those are my thoughts in a nutshell.
hope you have a good day.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Little Bro, True To Form

so i found this picture of kaleb and just had to post it. i laughed so hard. Hope he gave you a laugh too.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Like many of you know, kaleb loves to build things. when we were in Palawan kaleb built a bottle rocket launcher, and many many rockets. some with parachutes, some that went fast, some that spun, and many more.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Home Again

we are once again in our home sweet home. what a great feeling. though the first few days have been hard, because in 11 weeks things change.  Kaleb and my favorite mountain biking trail is fenced over, my running trail is gone... all kinds of things.  even so, it has been absolutely great to be home. to do school in my own office, to eat at our own table ect.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ashaway tournament

 so i thought i had posted about the Ashaway tournament long ago. but my great and wonderful mother pointed out that i did not. 
first of all, three days before the tournament i crashed the bike and sprained my thumb. we thought for a while that it was broken, but after having x-rays i know it is/was not. so that was a bummer. but i was able to tape my hand enough to play. though i had no smash, and could only lift from half court. but dispite my injury i got to the quarter finals in both doubles and singles. i lost in doubles to the eventual winner. and in singles to the finalist.both of them were first seed. so that was cool. kaleb lost in second round in singles to the top seed and winner. and in semi finals to the top seed and winner.  but he did very well, and fought hard. almost taking the semi final game in doubles. 


Monday, April 18, 2011

Time goes by, and i am left standing

The time in circles go
Just to pass me by
And i am left standing just so
Time will go, dont lie

The leaves from the trees fall
Another poor soul says goodbye
And i am left standing, looking at it all
Time will go, dont lie

The pain, like mountains grows
The earth does sigh
And i am left standing wishing time slow
Time will go, dont lie

the time for blogging has long since passed, and i am left standing. i am sorry. time does speed so. and it is still passing, so i shall have to post longer soon!

have a good evening.

Monday, March 14, 2011


well, here are some pictures of Kaleb and i trying to learn tricks on a bmx bike... we arent very good yet.  but we are trying to learn.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

It Almost Turned Out...

 well, time has passed quickly. i told you in the last post we were making a movie. well several things happened to make our movie less then expected.  first being that rich, the guy in yellow shirt had some bad luck. his chain broke the day after my last post. so we did not get the shots done that we had wanted, and spent our time walking home.  the day after that in a practice run i fell off a cliff like thing onto my tail bone, and was unable to ride after that. in fact, i spent till today recovering. i could not sit for the first several days, and even laying hurt for the first while. thankfully i am ok now, and back to my normal self, except a cold. which will soon pass.  but because of the incidents, we had a ton of clips, for random parts of our story line. so we ended up just combining the cool riding parts into a short 5 minute movie, with no story line. a little disappointing, but that is life i guess.

this is rich with his broken chain

me the camera man, just waiting.
doing some deep talking on the strategies of filming. 

 and this was just before Luke's chain broke.  the day before my last  post. 

 and a cool shot of where we ride. or just a tree were we ride.
have a good day all!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Having a Good Time

 the past few days my friends and i were out in the mountains shooting video for a short  mountain biking movie we are making. i got a few good pictures before the rain came.

a few days ago i woke up at 5 am to find that our dog had fallen into our garbage pit. so i climbed into the reeking pit and pushed her out with  the help of my father. it was not a nice experience.  and i have decided that i will not make a career of climbing into garbage. i was leaving the options open, but i have just narrowed my list down a little.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Perhaps We Skip the Title This Time?

well, it seems that my blog keeps getting forgotten, and even when i do post, it is of petty things, and of little interest. i hate to disappoint, but so it will be again. someday, in the near future i hope, i shall do a long post on things of some consequence. but time is once again limited, so this will be but a few pictures.

as you can see, unless you have slow internet and the pictures did not load, that we had a good time making and eating s'mores.  i am sorry i cant spell it. but you can probably guess, the things with gram cracker, cooked marshmallows and chocolate.

Monday, January 17, 2011

My Books

i have written two novellas, and am in the process of writing a novel. if you would like to read one, or all of them, please comment, and i will consider sending it to you. thanks

here are the synopsis's.

To The Rising Sun
(114 pages)
Genre: fiction

After his mother dies, Dustin suddenly finds himself with no home and no job. In desperation he agrees to work for a cruel man in the hopes of getting to Carnam and finding his father. Nothing goes as planned and he gets captured by outlaws and catapulted into a treasure hunt that could change history.
But will the outlaws stop him from finding his father? Can he learn to control his own anger in impossible situations? Will the price he pays to find his father prove be too high?

To Relight the World 
(60 pages)
Genre: fantasy

 When the sun suddenly disappear Bob goes on a search that will change his life.  A search for the switch for the sun, and for truth.
Will he find what he searches for? Or will he be deceived by the lies of the ones before him?

and the novel i am currently writing.  For What Was Lost
Estimated page length: 250 -300
Genre: Fantasy 

With the last of the acient swords in his possesion Fitar is is thrust into an impossible war to free a dying people, and regain the lost art. 
But will his hatred destroy him? or will the Andivins finally succeed and kill all the Nahya?

Copyright 2011 Kevin Barkman

the passing by of time.

well time continues to pass bye, too quickly for some, and not near fast enough for others. but it seems that no matter how hard we try to build time machines, we can't change the speed time goes by.  and so, before i  knew it, time passed, and i had not posted. well, forgive me, time goes by for me too.

many things have happened. i fixed my bike up. wrote chapters two and three on my newest novel, and latest, won a mini tournament.

yesterday i started reading 'Orthodoxy' by G.K. Chesterton. it is really really good so far. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

it rained all of this year. Yes, all three days of it.

 As the title says, it has rained every day this year. and has for once been cold. we were all wearing sweatshirts this morning. maybe it was a little over kill. but all the same, we were wearing them.
also, we had family pictures taken. and this is what we came up with.
i had a bunch i was going to say, but i completely forgot what it was. i guess i will have to do another post tomorrow. 

the seat cover coming off is on purpose. my dad and i recovered it, and put more foam on. and i just road it in between.