Thursday, June 24, 2010

in manila.

we are now in manila. we got here Wednesday night. at like 8pm.

last night we went and played badminton till midnight. that was fun.

i want to post some pictures but i guess i will have to wait till we get home, cause we forgot the cord for the camera.

anyhow, i am done with the first edit to my novel. and am starting the second one.
what else??? hmmm. kaleb broke his racket. shoes are getting to small...and in my dream last night i knew how to draw really good, to bad it was only a dream:) that is all the news for now. not much interesting is happening.



Patrick said...

What will Kaleb do with his racket?

Kevin said...

we will take the eyelets out, and buy him a new one. :) i did not know you were still reading my blog:) i emailed you, but i am not sure if it went through, i will try again.