Monday, January 17, 2011

My Books

i have written two novellas, and am in the process of writing a novel. if you would like to read one, or all of them, please comment, and i will consider sending it to you. thanks

here are the synopsis's.

To The Rising Sun
(114 pages)
Genre: fiction

After his mother dies, Dustin suddenly finds himself with no home and no job. In desperation he agrees to work for a cruel man in the hopes of getting to Carnam and finding his father. Nothing goes as planned and he gets captured by outlaws and catapulted into a treasure hunt that could change history.
But will the outlaws stop him from finding his father? Can he learn to control his own anger in impossible situations? Will the price he pays to find his father prove be too high?

To Relight the World 
(60 pages)
Genre: fantasy

 When the sun suddenly disappear Bob goes on a search that will change his life.  A search for the switch for the sun, and for truth.
Will he find what he searches for? Or will he be deceived by the lies of the ones before him?

and the novel i am currently writing.  For What Was Lost
Estimated page length: 250 -300
Genre: Fantasy 

With the last of the acient swords in his possesion Fitar is is thrust into an impossible war to free a dying people, and regain the lost art. 
But will his hatred destroy him? or will the Andivins finally succeed and kill all the Nahya?

Copyright 2011 Kevin Barkman


Patrick said...

I like to read. Reading your novellas helps to know you better. Kind of like reading your mind. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please publish them or send them to me. I don't write books.

Kevin said...

ok i will. thanks!