So I will admit, I have been less than generous with my writing lately. I post pictures and leave. But don't feel bad, even my journal has been empty for the past couple months. I guess I have been through a lot, and learned a lot, and needed time to process. I still feel like I have not properly processed everything, but I figure it is time to post anyhow.Even very shortly as to what I am thinking.
Though what to say? But that profound things are simple, sometimes forgotten things. Truth is simple yet unfathomable. We cannot understand God, but He is truth, which is simple, yet God, who is everything, is not so simple. So everything I learn about God, is both simple, and yet I can not understand it.
In all this thinking, and reading of the Bible. I have learned much, but yet little can be said about it. For what can be said about a God who created the heavens and the earth? but that He is awesome and all powerful?
so much more, he is loving, just, holy, the beginning of wisdom, never ending, and the list goes on. But as a mere human what can I say? but 'holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty' ? and yet it seems that I, and we, are called to say more To what end? The glory of God. As to what I am to say, that it seems is a life journey. One that is hard, but beautiful.
In this life I am called to follow God to whatever end He has for me. To glorify Him in whatever I do. That is the bottom line. The rest will flow from that, or so I pray. It all sounds so simple. and yet it will take my whole life to figure it out.
those are my thoughts in a nutshell.
hope you have a good day.
I love the person you are and the person you are becoming. So proud of you, Bud!
and not too fond of having to type in silly words to verify that I'm human... I often have to try a couple of times. What does that say?
how many times? maybe you are getting old? ha ha. joke.
That makes perfect sense to me. Very interesting.
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