But where is this leading you are most likely wondering. and with good reason. i doubt you like to sit and read meandering blog posts. I am going somewhere, just be patient.
Well yesterday my mood was a little less lovely. it was one of those grumpy-the-world-is-going-to-end-today kind of moods. I got over it thankfully.
and the day before i was kinda sad.
The day before i was one of those never dieing optimists.
I watch a movie, and it makes me laugh, read a book that makes me cry. listen to music that makes me tremble.
Life changes, my moods change. I am ever so human. and I believe we are all to a certain extent. It is what makes waves in lifes ocean. this up and down of emotion.
Emotion does not show truth. for some days I feel that God is closer, and other days not, but it changes nothing. God is always near.
this just proves how little one should trust emotion. Moods. So then, what things are truly beautiful? wonderful? make us go 'wow'? if it just leads to another emotion is it worthless?
I believe so. because even the unsaved go 'wow' when they see the Rockie Mountains. But those things can also lead to to a great awe of God. that I think it good. but then you ask, is awe of God simply another emotion? I have been asking the same question, and have not come up with an answer. Perhaps we were made to feel the emotion of awe towards God? I know not. but I do believe that emotions, for their own sake are worth very little.
But maybe, just maybe God gave us emotions to color life, to show what we feel. Or maybe they are just reaction to life and nothing else.
What are emotions, and where do they lead? why did God give them to us? is it all a crazy hoax? or do they give a better understanding of God? Or do they just deceive us? comment, and tell me what you think!
All this talking, and you never did get an answer. but I did ask the questions. so comment away. I would love to hear!
Well I am off again to continue my search. fare thee well all. do not get too caught up in the emotions of the moment to forget what we are doing on earth!
I think emotions are part of being made in God's image. We respond to the world around us with emotions. They do run us wrong sometimes: other times they remind us to be kind, to be thoughtful, or to reach out to someone in love. They are also sometimes an indication that something is wrong, an indication we are well-advised to follow. So, I think emotions are good as long as we make sure the path they are laying out for us is in line with God's Word and His leading in our lives...
hmmm good thoughts. never really thought of it that way. thanks:)
King David was a very emotional man and it has been said that he was a man after his own heart. Interesting Kevin.
hey Gunstrav. yeah, you have a point there. i believe God feels things also, He weeps and stuff. and we should too. but for us, are we to follow our emotions? or are they to follow us? :)
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