Monday, April 18, 2011

Time goes by, and i am left standing

The time in circles go
Just to pass me by
And i am left standing just so
Time will go, dont lie

The leaves from the trees fall
Another poor soul says goodbye
And i am left standing, looking at it all
Time will go, dont lie

The pain, like mountains grows
The earth does sigh
And i am left standing wishing time slow
Time will go, dont lie

the time for blogging has long since passed, and i am left standing. i am sorry. time does speed so. and it is still passing, so i shall have to post longer soon!

have a good evening.


Garry and Cynthia Barkman said...

I like this poem:). Thought-provoking cause time is passing. and maybe you feel it more just now with all the moving and chaos:).

But i think you should also post about the tournament in Manila. I even got a couple of photos, I think. Maybe.

Gunstrav said...

That's a nice poem. A little sad though.

Kevin said...

thanks. yikes ma, i thought i did, but i guess the post never published. i shall asap.

thanks Gunstrav. thanks for reading. hope it was not too sad:) God is still in control, so nothing should be too sad.

Unknown said...

Hey, Kevin. You're a legend, and you write so well! I really enjoyed my evening with you guys. You make me laugh! Hugs, Ate Elise

Kevin said...

hey!thanks for reading!

a legend? in my own mind perhaps. lol.

yes that was a great time. still laughing over those jokes, and thinking about the other stuff you said. about glorifying God, ect.

have a great day!