Thursday, January 5, 2012

Filming Again

 I really should be doing school at the moment. but to get myself going i had to do a blog post.I am not sure if that really works but whatever.

Yesterday Kaleb, Richard and I started filming again, we want to get one  more movie out before my bike totally falls apart. which it appears to want to do. the teeth on second gear on the front are gone. and some of the teeth on the back are too. I can still fly downhill though. so thats a good thing.

Of course a ride is never really  right unless something goes wrong, and we all goof off. So to keep things going good I broke my chain and took an hour fixing it. (i should have had it fixed in about 15 minutes, but with threading it through wrong, twisting it, and losing my pin, it sorta took a while). and Richard got a flat. and of course we had to climb a tree that over looked a cliff. (which you cant really see in the picture. it looked much more impressive in reality) and I wiped out twice. but only have bruises to show for it. nothing really cool.

Richard had to climb a tree to pose for us.

and i tried but did not have  any success getting into the tree. 
My broken chain

But it was a good time

checking out the view from up in a tree.

I was informed that my last post was full of errors. and i am sure this one is too. i am sorry but i really dont have time to go re-read everything i wrote. so enjoy the pictures, and forget about the spelling and grammar for a while. :)

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