the tournament was somewhat disappointing. but i learned a lot. at first the tournament web site said that the tournament would be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. and the prize was going to be 40thousand pesos. a ton of cash. And we were meant to get t-shirts too. i was guaranteed 6 games. in the end, i only got 3 games, the prize was only 7thousand, and we did not get t-shirts. and we only played on Saturday and Sunday. i lost all my games. i played singles first in the morning. i had a very sick stomach, due to not eating right. in doubles which i played at 8pm, i only got to play one game, the others we won by default. the one we played we lost, but it was close, and a very good game. over all, i learned a lot about what to eat, and what no to eat, and about traveling for competition. it is very different playing when you are staying at a hotel, and eating all kinds of weird food that you don't normally eat. i have traveled to tournaments before, but always we stay at a place we know, and eat somewhat normal things, or at least things that i eat before.
Kaleb did very well, he only played singles because his partner could not come. he played four games, and won three of his four, in the end he lost because the boy who beat him won four games. but he played very well.
here are some pictures of different forms of transport they use here. i only got pictures of a few, but i will see if i can get some of the others.
a homemade bicycle with side cart. very common.

an upgrade on the last, this ones has an engine in it, and a larger cab. i have seen 10 people in one almost like this, with a whole set of furniture on top. also completely homemade.

here is a jeepney. they have routes, and you just hop on and go as far as you want. they also use them to haul stuff. i wish i had a picture of one fully loaded. there are sacks piled as high as it is tall on top, the cab full, and things hanging off the sides. unbelievable. also homemade.

well i better go now. have a great day!
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