Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Longest Dual Zip Line In Asia

My friend Luke had a birthday, and he invited us to go to the longest double zip line in Asia. Richard, another friend of mine came along also. it was amazing. there was a total of three zip lines. two shorter ones, and one really long one, almost a kilometer long!!! i liked all of them, but the long one was the best, you got to lie down. and went much further. the shorter ones, you sat up, and spun in circles. this was my first time, and i was a little nervous at first, but it was all for nothing, it was so much fun.

i did not get many good pictures. but Luke did, so i will see if i can get some of his. and maybe a video of going down. not sure if it turned out. mine did not. which is too bad.

my mom and dad getting ready to go on the second longest one.

Kaleb and i walking up after the first two.
me infront of the place to go on the longest one. my heart was beating pretty fast. you cant see it in the picture. but when you get on the platform, you just see a drop off, and they open the gate, and you freak out for half a second, before you fly out. it was awesome.

the list of things to check before riding.
Luke, on the far left, and Richard in the middle.

rich in his harnessthe landing place for the long one. it gave your quite a jerk to stop
the starting place for the mid length one.

what you see walking back up.

well, i better go to bed now. i might post a more in depth post on this, not sure.

have a good day, or night or whatever.


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