Kaleb measuring me. i am now six foot one.

i am not sure if i said this before, but we changed the shocks on our car. it was a very fun job.

i just got back from training. it went pretty good at first, till a huge rain storm hit. and the building is not sealed very well, so water was running in. so we quit early.
as for writing. i am now writing two more novels. one i am just writing chapter three, and the other i am outlining, a process that took me almost six months last time.
i just decided like last week i should learn about poems. i have never read or written any, but i figured i could learn. here is one of my attempts at writing one.
Last Farewell
This picture that was drawn in sorrow
Of pain turned to joy on the ‘morrow
The story that did not end well
Twas the man who fell
He delved into this pit of lies
Running away from all the goodbyes
And there he fell
And said his last farewell
He turned away from what he had longed for
Torn his heart apart and opened the door
To the one who could heal
And now no more does he feel
The pain of yesterdays sorrows
No more does he fear tomorrow
For his pain has turned to joy
And the man to a boy
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